The Three Pots of Self-Assessment: A Journey to Authentic Self-Trust
Have you ever stopped to consider how accurately you evaluate your own abilities? It’s a trickier question than you might think. As a coach, I’ve seen time and time again...
Why it’s easy to cancel yourself
Cancel culture seems to be one of the buzz terms of 2024. Wherever we look, people in the public eye are being cancelled for a myriad of different reasons, and...
Why do I feel frazzled?
The international Stress Management Association describes stress as ‘an adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other demands placed upon them’...
How can I improve my relationship?
I have lost count of the number of clients who have come to me believing their relationship on the brink and that unless their husband or wife changes, it can’t...
Are you working with a Narcissist?
I have written many articles about Imposter Syndrome and I am absolutely determined that we don’t attach this label to ourselves because it’s the latest buzzword. So many men and...
Why making a mistake isn’t the end of the world
How to foster a growth mindset and overcome the fear of making a mistake...
How do I create an abundance mindset?
Our mindsets can have a dramatic impact on the way we think, the way we feel and the way we interact with the world around us. Cultivating an abundance mindset...
How Can I Improve Resilience?
I took the massive step to leave the security of a six-figure salary, bonuses and pension to do something that I truly love. Some might say this was a crazy...
It’s NOT Alright for Men – Addressing the Unique Challenges Men Face Today
Explore men’s emotional support and coaching options. Learn how to provide help for men, acknowledge challenges, and foster open communication and growth....
How can I be more Accountable?
After spending a lifetime on a diet and yet a lifetime overweight, things finally changed for me when I started to do two things with rigour and purpose....
How do I avoid Procrastination?
Procrastination is the thief of progress and it’s also one of the biggest contributors to failure alongside indecision. So perhaps it’s time to step away from procrastination and make ‘getting...
How can I stop fearing failure?
How to foster a growth mindset and overcome the fear of making a mistake...
Transform Your Behaviour Patterns & Start Living In Fearless Authenticity
If you’re ready to start with your Breakthrough and see the powerful results from 1:1 coaching, book your discovery call today and have your questions answered.
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